Current section: Real World Examples 15 exercises

Introduction to Developing with AI Assistants

Artificial intelligence has taken the web development world by storm. While I don't believe AI will replace our jobs completely, it will help someone to take the job of anyone who doesn't know how to use an AI assistant effectively.

This is why I've put together this video tutorial series showcasin

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00:00 Artificial intelligence has taken the web development world by storm, and while I don't think they're necessarily going to take our jobs, I think it will definitely take the job of anybody who doesn't know how to use an AI assistant effectively. And so that's why I've made this

00:15 video tutorial series to show you how I use AI assistants in my day-to-day work as a web developer. I think it's important for you to have a good mindset around AI assistants so that you're seeing them more as the assistant and not the primary programmer, at least today. The world of

00:33 AI moves at a really rapid pace, and so even before I have the chance to edit these videos and get them into your hands, we're probably going to see some advancements and improvements in the world of AI. And so that's why, even though I have specific tools that I use, you can absolutely apply the

00:50 things that I talk about in this course or in this video series to whatever tools that you end up using. It's more of a mindset that you need to have. Now, the AI assistants might improve such that some of the things that I talk about and the crutches that we have with our assistants right now

01:09 no longer are a problem, and if that happens, that's awesome. But it's important for you to understand today how to use these AI assistants efficiently. So I'm going to be using chat and GPT a fair bit in this series, and I also use GitHub Copilot in this series. Both of these are

01:28 paid products. There's like a free tier, I think, but this is absolutely worth the money. But there are alternatives. Kodi from Sourcegraph is a pretty interesting alternative, as well as Tab9, which has been around for longer than any of the others as far as I know. So there are alternatives

01:47 out there. There are more than just these, and I think that it's important for you to understand the basic idea of how to use the tools, which is why I don't get too much into how to set these things up specifically to these tools. I do a little bit of that, but mostly I want you to come away from this video series with an understanding of how to think about these AI

02:07 assistants, how to use them efficiently, how to give them the context that they need so that they can help you. Because AI assistants aren't going to take your job, but you need to give them enough information so that they can help you. I like to think of AI assistants as a force multiplier.

02:25 So if there is zero force, then there is zero multiplied. So they're not going to do stuff by themselves. You need to be the one holding the hammer and hammering the nail. The hammer doesn't do that by itself. So learning how to use these things efficiently is going to really help you

02:41 as a web developer, and I'm super excited to show you how I use them.