Current section: Multi-Region Data and Deployment 6 exercises

Concluding the Deployment Tutorial

You've made it to the end!

I hope you had a good time learning with me how to deploy to the edge with Fly.io.

Deploying long-running servers and having your data as close to your users as possible... It just blows my mind what we have available to us!

We have availability and data consistency wit

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Presenter: 0:01 I hope you had a good time learning with me how to deploy to the Edge with Fly.io deploying long-running servers and your data as close to your users as possible. It blows my mind what we have available to us and getting the best of all worlds.

0:16 We have availability. We have data consistency with the transactional consistency stuff that we did. It's really cool what we've been able to do. I look forward to hearing about the cool things that you're running on the Edge. I'm so happy that you're with me.